I love fairytales. And not just the Disneified versions. Give me some OG, step sisters cutting off parts of their feet, princes going blind from thorns, Grimm’s fairytales any day. But one of the fairytales I’m not really familiar with is the ‘Snow Queen’. The closest I’ve been to reading that particular fairytale is when my little cousin made me watch ‘Frozen’ and my favourite part of that movie was this guy.
Seriously, I say this phrase, in that voice way more than I should.
Not knowing the ‘Snow Queen’ fairytale meant I wasn’t sure what I was in for when I started reading ‘Frost and Death’ by L. L. Riley. And while I didn’t know what to expect going in I enjoyed every page of it throughout. This was honestly a book that I struggled to put down and has prompted my boyfriend to rate my books on a scale of how much I ignore him because I’m so absorbed in what I am reading.
This fairytale retelling follows Queen Tove, who is struggling to deal with running a kingdom, grieving the loss of her family and trying to control her newly manifested powers. When the mysterious Jerrick grabs Tove’s attention, her life will change forever forcing her to choose between the life she thinks she needs and things she has never dreamed of.
L. L. Riley creates a world that you can’t help but get lost in, introducing you to the social and political landscape of Draymenk without making you feel swamped down by information. Learning about the six deities that have bestowed magical powers to the six royal bloodlines, how the powers are pasted down and how they vary, makes you want to read a story about each family. The characters are rich and developed into believable, relatable personalities that you can’t help but love or hate accordingly.
The romance that develops between our main characters makes the pay off when they end up together so worth it. And the romance is spicy but not too spicy, like the mild curry you order from your favourite Indian takeout.
There is plenty of action and twists to keep you hooked as the characters develop and grow throughout the story and move the plot along at a steady pace. This is a great romantasy in every sense of the word. I so loved this book and I’m so happy it is the first in a series because I want to get lost in this world again.